Terminal STrip Banana Jack Adapter, 10-32 Thread
This adapter provides a banana jack connection by replacing the screw in a terminal strip. Secure connections can be made with standard banana plug patch cords without breaking the connection to the terminal strip. Banana jack 0.166in (4.22mm) dia.
Material: Banana Jack: nickel-plated brass; Insulation: Nylon.
*Std. Colors: -0 Black, -2 Red, -3 Orange, -4 Yellow, -9 White.
Ratings: For CE compliance and for personal safety, do not hold in hand when voltages exceed 30 Vrms/42.4 Vpk/60 Vdc or current exceeds 8A maximum. Maximum voltage for hands free use: (see chart for Vrms for each model#). Do not use on circuits where transient stresses can exceed the rated voltage. 25A, +216°F (+102°C) max.